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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Bimba Pratibimba! The world is created by Shiva Lila.

A lot of people, especially spiritual seekers often ask , "Why did God create the world?”
Shaivites say, Shiva creates the whole world out of a play, a lila, just to know Himself and expand Himself, by enabling what all can be done in life . He does this through His Shakti, His Divine power,  His " Ability to do". This Shakti is not only the core power and energy at the deep center of all things in the  entire Universe, She is also the devoted Bhaktini and Maha Yogini Parvati, Shiva’s beloved wife.

The important understanding of the Kashmir Shaiv Darsana , commonly called  Kashmir Shaivism,  is that Lord Shiva creates the Universe to be able to see His own Self in a myriad of lilas. The world, is His mirror! Now, the rishis of Kashmir had a term, ‘Bimba’. Bimba is the real Self , or Shiva Himself, in His supreme transcendent formlessnes .
And the whole manfest world is Pratibimba.
Pratibimba is the reflection of Bimba. This Non- dual school of Shaiva philosophy further states, that the eternal subject ( Bimba) sees Himself in the reflection ( Pratibimba).
So, Shiva ‘sees’ Himself in the world that He Himself creates.

Parvati is the swaroopa (embodiment) of His Shakti , and we sometimes see a very beautiful portrayal of her as holding a small mirror  to Shiva as He dresses up; So this holding of a mirror to Him means, she is the one who shows Him what all He really is.
This entire Universe is a mirror that shows God what all He is, and it is God's Shakti which 'holds' the mirror up!

And this is the summary of the world play, from the perspective of Divinity ,enlightenment, an awakened mind, an aware Atma (soul), and of the ancient hindu rishis.
And of course, Shiva is the highly awakened Atma; He is Para Atma ( Master of souls-GOD ).

It may interest you to know that not only is Shiva the greatest Yogi ( One who is in conjunction with His own Godliness), but He is also the greatest bhokta (experient ) of worldly flavour.
The Kashmir Shaiv Darsana : Kashmir Shaivism speaks of this , and says Shiva is the Para pramatra- the highest experient .

Such is the Maya of Shivji that He can actually enhance His Yoga even through bhoga ( bhoktan) of the Universe that He Himself creates. But His bhoktan is always steeped in God consciousness. Even in this material world, in any activity, Shiva is always centered on Godliness! And this teaching is shared in some of His yoga dharanas to Devi in the Vijnanbhairava texts.

So, Kashmir Shaivism has a unique way of explaining the Creator and creation, God and the world. When  all of the world, is actually a reflection of God and  Lord Shiva is not only the Best Yogi, he is also the Highest experient, the greatest Bhogi of all. It is Shivji who experiences the most in all things, and that is the play of His own Shakti, that is indeed Lila. Through these worldly, experiences, He "Re-cognizes" His own Divinity in many many ways, and then further improves the Universe.

The Siva Sutra in verse 11 states “ त्रितयभोक्ता वीरेशः”
Tritayabhoktā vīreśaḥ,  Shiva is experiencing Himself in all three states of waking, dream and deep sleep. Through all His experiences, Shiva is always centered in His Divinity, and the worldliness never draws Him away from the reality that He has always been, The Supreme.

Aum Namah Shivaye!

~  Shail Gulhati is the author of the books :

SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.
The Yogi and the snake
Shiva Poetry
NAAM ROOP- A Tribute to the Divine
And Life Said.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Shiva is not just a story,Shiva is a living spiritual truth.

He is the One who existed even before the world began.
He is the One who has been prayed to, even when He was unseen.
And ever since the very first time He chose to make His presence known,
Shiva has been loved by millions.

Shiva is a storyteller’s delight. But because Shiva is hugely paradoxical, it comes as no surprise that, much as He is loved by the masses, there have been times when He has actually been maligned in some circles.This may simply be because of ignorance - a lack of knowing Shiva’s spirituality. Ignorance is not always bliss; ignorance mostly leads to a fear, which then makes up its own stories. But  It became my call to write a book that gives equal emphasis to Shiva’s story and also reveals the fabulous mystic He has always been. 

Shiva is Mahakaal, the Ultimate Time Traveller. As The Timeless One vouchsafed to us by the ancient tellings of the rishis, down to our grandmothers’ tales, He is the Pauranic Shiva: The Shiva from Kailash. Shiva, the mountain Chieftain who lives happily with His beautiful Queen, Parvati, and the merry mountain men called ganas.
But He is also the Adhunik Shiva; the Omnipresent, who is always here, lurking in our own hearts, in the present, and thus the most modern at any time. In my books, therefore, while there will be conformity to tradition in recalling the magnificent trysts of the players from ancient times, there are also exciting new characters to introduce a dramatic interplay.

The central import of Shiva’s story, is that of love: God created this universe, simply to love and be loved. The central import of Parvati’s life, is to be with Shiva, always. In so doing even through lifetimes, it is She, who establishes the Hindu belief in re-incarnation; for love it is, that can propel us to be re-born; to manifest ourselves just to be with the beloved, once again.

Lately, a lot of interest has been evinced in Shiva. We have had dozens of books, TV serials, movie clips, comics ,and lots of pages and groups surfacing on social media, all dedicated to the enigma that is Mahadeva – The God amongst Gods. When I first set out to write on Shiva, I wanted to come out with something that I myself would have enjoyed reading about Him! Everyone loves a good story, and reading so much from others about Shiva, I wanted to present His story the way that I ‘saw’ Him.
While the idea is not just to replicate the Shiva Purana in modern parlance, a writer’s weave must keep the reader stimulated for the possibility of change; however, there are some fixations from which I do not wish to depart. As Shiva Himself says to Nandi in the book, “By Kailash, some things I shall never change”.

So, we had book One, in which we were taken back to the time of Shiva from His earliest known beginnings. Through dialogue and narrative, it attempted to weave out Shiva the man, as well as  Shiva the mystic, presenting to the reader, both the mythology and the mysticism of the most paradoxical God in the Hindu Pantheon.

Here, in book Two, the travails of Shiva are taken further in talks with Parvati, who, as stated above, by Her very appearance ,kindles the subject of reincarnation and past association. Shiva comes out clearly as the greatest chieftain and also the perfect lover.

Book Three, which is the actual idea behind all the writings, will culminate in Shiva embracing the future. He is here with us, in our own time, connecting with old friends like Gorakh, Jesus, Buddha, and more, galvanizing the council of mystics on His travels, whether biking His way through the Himalayan hills or taking fun -filled trips overseas…

A magical story about the possibility of Shiva in dance, with all the mystics of all the worlds, through all the ages , down to our own present time.
Aum Namah Shivaye!

एक वही
हैं जो सृष्टि के पहले से ही उपस्तिथ थे
एक वही हैं जिसकी आराधना की जाती थी जब वोह दर्शनीय भी नहीं थे
और जब से स्वयं शिव ने पहली बार अपने दर्शन देने की सोची
करोड़ों भक्त उनसे प्रेम करने लगे
शिवजी एक लेखक की प्रेरणा हैं
परन्तु आश्चर्य यह है की जितना ही प्रेम शिवजी से लोग करते हैं , फिर भी कुछ ऐसे समय भी आये की जब शिव से कुछ लोगों ने घिन्न की .
और इसका कारण है अज्ञान .
लोगों को शिव के बारे में सही ज्ञान नहीं है .
और अज्ञानता से उत्पन होता है डर .
जो लोग शिवजी से अज्ञात थे ,उन्हें शिवजी का भय हो गया और वह शिवजी के बारे में गलत सोच रखने लगे .
ऐसा उद्धरण हममे शिव के ससुर राजा दक्ष से ही मिल गया .
दक्ष के समय से लेकर आज तक कुछ वर्ग ऐसे हैं जो शिव की असीम महिमा को अभी तक नहीं समझ.
इस लिए मैंने सोचा की मैं शिव के बारे में एक ऐसी पुस्तक लिखूं की जिसमे यह वर्णन किया जाये की शिव कितने अद्भुत साधु ,ज्ञानी , ध्यानी हैं
शिव महाकाल हैं , प्राचीन समय से ऋषियों मुनियों से लेकर हमारी दादी माओं ने हम सब को उनका वर्णन कैलाशवासी , गुणों के सरदार और पारवती के  स्वामी, ऐसी पहचान दी है .
परन्तु शिव सदावसन्तं भी हैं इस लिए वह ' एवरग्रीन ' हैं , आधुनिक शिव हैं  जो  लेखकों के ह्रदय में अपनी कथा सुनाते  हैं .
परन्तु पौराणिक हों या आधुनिक शिव के किस्से भी अवतरण या सृष्टि  करता  का मूल  है:
प्रेम वोह एक ऐसा मूल है जिसको पाने और देने के लिए भगवान् शिव ने इस सारे जगत को उत्पन किया .
क्या आप भी शिव की भक्ति में सभी जीवों से प्रेम करना सीखेंगे ? क्या आप भगवान् शिव की इस सरल प्रेम लीला को समझ कर स्वयं भी प्रेम से भरपूर होंगे ?
आज कल शिव में बहोत रूचि ली जा रही है टीवी रेडियो किताबें कॉमिक्स ड्रामा फिल्म , हर जगह शिव विराजमान हैं ! यह सब देखते हुए मुझे लगा की में भी शिव पर एक ऐसी किताब लिखूं की जिसमे उनका वर्णन वही पौराणिक कैलाशवासी अथवा आधुनिक महाकाल दोनों ही हों . इस तरह " शिवा दी अल्टीमेट टाइम ट्रैवलर " एक ऐसी पुस्तक है की जिसमे शिव की कहानी अथवा उनके अद्भुत ध्यान , दोनों ही को एम्फेसिस दिया गया है . यह किताब अमेज़न से आप के मोबाइल, लैपटॉप फ़ोन पर डाउनलोड  के जा सकती है .
ॐ नमः शिवाये

~  Author 
Shail Gulhati's   preface to the book, SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.Part 2  ( Humesha)

Thursday, November 28, 2019


Personally, His mind always went out to two things: The first were the snow-clad mountains He could see but did not know.
The other, the woman He knew, but could not see.
He loved Her. True, He hadn’t even sighted Her; this lady who was the center of all His dreams, but there was a mysteriously obscure and delightfully sweet remembrance of a most sweet voice calling Him, “Nath.”
A togetherness of love and playful laughter that went up to the skies, in what seemed an endless time.
But it had ended.
She was the most important one, who, through Her unmatched love, had made Him realise more than what all other creatures put together had acknowledged. He was not just Pasupati; He was Pasupati Nath. Not just the Lord of animals, but also the undisputed master of their very soul. It was She who had brought Him to the more intimate relationships, She who drew out the tenderness. But this was the strange part: He couldn’t remember Her face. Every time He came close to remembering it, She flitted away, like a dream, a mist, or more appropriately, like the ending of a trance. And then, what remained was just the snow-clad mountain, and its snowy silence. The memory of Her scent and voice haunted Him. He sensed that His two haunts were linked and decided He would hike to the mountains to find out the reality of the woman. And that is how Rudra’s tryst began with the mountains and higher reaches of life: in search of a timeless love.

(From the book SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.)
art by Q Arlene Kumar

SHIVA,The Ultimate Time Traveller is available on Amazon as an E book, downloadable on your laptops, ipads, iphones, androids or any other device. To order a copy click the link below:
and for INDIA exclusively:

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sheran Waali, Lady of the lions!

Parvati was different from the very beginning. She was well loved by everyone, She played with the girls of Her age, She won the love of Her elders and admiration of Her palace staff, but She was different. There was always a sense of knowership in Her, as if She knew that She was someone very special, born for a very special destiny. But this was not in a conceited way at all. She did not have even an iota of arrogance, even though She was easily the prettiest among all the girls in the whole province.

She was good at Her studies and all the rishis who came to teach Her gave Her an excellent report card. “She can do even better, if She wants,” said Bhrighu one day to Himavat. “But…”

“But I have noticed, your Majesty, that Parvati puts in only as much effort as is required to get the basics right. She could excel in anything that She wants, and to be honest She does all things very well, but then, I have noticed, She leaves it at a level of ‘fairly good’, and weans off. It is as if She has Her heart in something else.”

“Hmm… like what?”

"Like, She hardly plays with Her dolls, She keeps making Shivalingas in the sand.”
“The only thing that interests Her about the dolls, is when a doll marriage is arranged!”

“Yes! Yes, that’s true,” said Mena. “I have to make new dresses for the doll bride, and Parvati insists that I make many sweetmeats in the kitchen!”

“Hmm… does She still say She will marry Shiva?” Himavat asked Mena.
“Oh, come on, She is just a child. And those things are very far. Who knows who will marry whom?”

“Shiva. It will always be Shiva,” said Bhrighu with a solemn look.

“Always be Shiva what?” asked Mena.

“It will always be Shiva, whom Shakti marries. It was so in the past, and it will be so in future,” said Bhrighu, his eyes now half closed in meditative bliss. 

"My Lord! My Lord ,what is one to do with Princess Parvati?” asked the captain of the private guard of Himavat’s security.

“Why, captain? What has Parvati done?” smiled Himavat.

“My Lord, She goes after the mountain leopards and panthers, catches them and then pats them as if they are little kittens. It’s dangerous my Lord, this sort of play.”

“But do not all princes play with the wild cats as if they were our domesticated cats? Is it not part of their training and even courage?” asked Himavat.

“Yes, my Lord, but we must not forget that Parvati is all of eight years! And my Lord… She is a girl!”

“Hmm… you are right, captain. I think Parvati deserves a new title for this trait,” laughed Himavat loudly. “From now on we should call Her, Sheran Waali, Lady of the lions!”

“Haha, what are you gentlemen discussing about my little Goddess?” chipped in Mena. “Parvati is luminous, resplendent; She is Jyotan Waali, the embodiment of light…”
From the book
~  SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.    , a modern rendition of Great God Shiva's story by Shail Gulhati

SHIVA,The Ultimate Time Traveller is available on Amazon as an E book, downloadable on your laptops, ipads, iphones, androids or any other device. To order a copy click the link below:
and for INDIA exclusively:

Art : courtesy
Vimanika Paintings & Prints
You can also buy Durga Comic book version at
Vimanika Comics