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Sunday, November 28, 2021

WHEN THE MIGHTY GOD BECAME A RECLUSE- जब परमेश्वर एक वैरागी बन गए



“No one really knew how it was, that Vishnu convinced Shiva to let him cut Sati’s body into fifty one pieces with His divine discus, the Sudarshana chakra. For anyone else, the fate would have been reverse; a cut on Sati would have invited fifty onslaughts from Shiva,” said Suta.
“How then, Gurudeva, did Shiva agree?”
“I personally feel it was a sign He saw from Sati Himself, but since He never spoke to anyone about this, none, but He Himself, shall know why,” said Suta,“Whatever the reason, the fifty one pieces of Sati’s body which fell to all the corners of Bharata, instantly became Shakti peethas - places of Her worship,” Suta continued.
“Yes, and Shiva visited each one of them and stayed there for days on end, remembering that part of their own eternal story.”
“Oh, Gurudeva, Shiva actually pilgrimaged to their own temples?”
“Yes, days passed, then months and years, and Shiva kept on visiting Her sites like a pilgrim.
But in each temple He visited, He found only an image of Sati, not Sati Herself: only a part, not the whole. It was the same story in each pilgrimage: He could feel Her memory, but not Her presence.
He wept bitterly, realizing She was everywhere, and yet nowhere. With each passing day in remembrance of His Queen, the mighty King of the mountains reduced His own existence to that of a recluse,” said Suta with visible remorse.

~ SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller. by Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism. A re -telling of the story of Great God Shiva and Sati.
Available WORLDWIDE on Amazon as an E download
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Saturday, November 20, 2021

Rudra absolutely loved the crisp air of Kailash.


Rudra absolutely loved the crisp air of Kailash.
There was a very pleasing aroma in the air always, which Rudra thought, “was the smell of freshness itself.”
There was no sense of time; only the golden sunrise and sunset would indicate dawn and dusk.
He loved all the birds and beasts that came to visit the mountains from the forests at their baseline. They were in absolute contrast to the people He had known in the city. Always natural, always spontaneous, always unabashed in their play, unlike the contrived displays in speech and gestures in the mannerisms of society. These beasts were exactly the kind of beings that would be termed ‘Uncouth’, He thought to Himself, but smiled because His own spirit resonated with them. “This is the way to be; in the lap of Nature itself, where one is natural,” He thought.

~ SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.

A modern Re -telling of the story of Great God Shiva and Sati
Available WORLDWIDE on Amazon as an E download on Amazon as an E book, downloadable on your laptops, ipads, iphones, androids or any other device.
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रुद्र को कैलाश की कुरकुरी हवा बहुत पसंद थी। हमेशा हवा में एक बहुत ही मनभावन सुगंध थी, जिसे रुद्र ने सोचा, "ताजगी की गंध थी।" समय का आभास नहीं था; केवल सुनहरा सूर्योदय और सूर्यास्त ही भोर और शाम का संकेत देगा। वह उन सभी पक्षियों और जानवरों से प्यार करता था जो अपने आधार पर जंगलों से पहाड़ों की यात्रा करने आए थे। वे उन लोगों के बिल्कुल विपरीत थे जिन्हें वह शहर में जानते थे। समाज के तौर-तरीकों में भाषण और इशारों में काल्पनिक प्रदर्शन के विपरीत, हमेशा स्वाभाविक, हमेशा सहज, अपने खेल में हमेशा बेदाग। ये जानवर ठीक उसी तरह के प्राणी थे जिन्हें 'अनकथ' कहा जाएगा, उन्होंने खुद को सोचा, लेकिन मुस्कुराए क्योंकि उनकी अपनी आत्मा उनके साथ गूंजती थी। "यह होने का तरीका है; प्रकृति की गोद में, जहां कोई प्राकृतिक है," उन्होंने सोचा। ~ शिव, द अल्टीमेट टाइम ट्रैवलर। Hindi translation Yash N R

Monday, November 1, 2021

Shiva is Mahakaal, the Ultimate Time Traveller- परम समय यात्री महाकाल

There is the Pauranic Shiva: The Timeless One vouchsafed to us by the ancient tellings of the Rishis, down to our grandmother’s tales. The Shiva from Kailash. But there is also the Adhunik Shiva; the Omnipresent, who is always here, lurking in our own hearts, in the present, and therefore the most modern at any time.
For Shiva is Mahakaal, the Ultimate Time Traveller.
In the deepest reflection, we realise that all things are possible to God; The enigmatic story of Shiva, enfolds All! Past, present, future, history, mythology and fantasy.
A magical story about the possibility of Shiva in dance with all the mystics of all the worlds, through all the ages and to our own present time.
~ SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.

Available WORLDWIDE on Amazon as an E download on Amazon as an E book, downloadable on your laptops, ipads, iphones, androids or any other device.
choose and click the link for your country below: ( USA) (INDIA ) ( UK ) ( GERMANY ) (FRANCE) ( SPAIN ) ( ITALY ) (NETHERLANDS) (JAPAN ) (BRAZIL ) (CANADA) (MEXICO ) (AUSTRALIA)

शिवजी पौराणिक हैं: , वह जिनके विषय में एक कालातीत  से हमें ऋषियों के प्राचीन कथनों  ने, अथवा हमारी दादी की कहानियों से जोड़ा। कैलाश से शिवजी।
लेकिन आधुनिक शिवजी भी हैं; सर्वव्यापी, जो हमेशा यहाँ है, हमारे अपने दिलों में, वर्तमान में, और इसलिए किसी भी समय सबसे आधुनिक है। शिवजी परम समय यात्री महाकाल है। गहनतम चिंतन में, हम महसूस करते हैं कि परमेश्वर के लिए सब कुछ संभव है; शिवजी की गूढ़ कथा, सबको समेटे! भूत, वर्तमान, भविष्य, इतिहास, पुराण और कल्पना। सभी युगों और हमारे अपने वर्तमान समय के लिए सभी दुनिया के सभी मनुष्यों के साथ नृत्य में शिवजी की संभावना के बारे में एक जादुई कहानी।
Hindi translation by Yash N R