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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Bharat Bhagya Vidhata

Jana-gaṇa-mana adhināyaka jaya hē
Drāviṛa-Utkala Baṁga
Viṁdhya Himācala Yamunā Gaṁgā,
ucchala jaladhi taraṁga
Taba Śubha nāmē jāgē,
taba śubha āśiṣa māṁgē
gāhē taba jaya gāthā.
Jana gaṇa maṁgala-dāyaka jaya hē,
Bhārata bhāgya vidhātā.
Jaya hē, Jaya hē, Jaya hē,
jaya jaya jaya jaya hē.~

The beautiful Indian  National Anthem has a particular line twice.
Have you ever wondered why so?

The first time it means, it is in India's destiny to have God. He is present in its Hills and valleys, rivers and shores, in east and west, north and south.That is why its geography is described in detail.

And the second time, it means God , who is the benefactor of all beings , who takes care of all the world, but in the case of India, He has written its destiny personally.

Shail Gulhati
is the Author of the books :

SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.
The Yogi and the snake
Shiva Poetry
NAAM ROOP- A Tribute to the Divine
And Life Said.

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