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Tuesday, January 21, 2020



The extreme sorrow gave way to extreme rage, and Narada noticed that Shiva was going into a different mood.
He had darkened. His face resembled the darkest cloud in the sky, His eyes became bloodshot, His hair rising in extreme excitement, like the mixed thrill of a warrior, when He is about to embark into an immediate and deadly battle.
He started stomping His feet on the ground, causing the earth below Him to quake, and the mountains in even the farthest horizons began to shake. “Daksha, you will not be spared! Sati, I am coming! Sateee!!”

The ganas repeated the call, “Daksha, you will not be spared! Ma, we are coming!!”

Shiva started a war dance, tugging violently at His own hair and whirling in the air, with His torso doing the most unusual twists, like a man in severe pain. His right hand pulled out His Trishula from the ground where it had been restfully parked for years, as if to jerk it out of its dormancy. “BABHAM!!” He yelled a war cry and lunged forwards. He moved like a one-man army getting ready to wreak havoc on all those who came in its way, and Narada was reminded of a cloud of locusts on rampage.

The world shivered. Devas shivered, Brahma shivered, Vishnu shivered.
Shivering in Shiva’s wrath had become the new extension of the presence of Shiva.
This was something they had never seen before, but a vague and very uncomfortable feeling told them that the end of the Universe was near.
“Pralaya,” spoke Indra. “Pralaya,” chorused the Devas. They feared their own death which seemed inevitable.
“O Mahadeva, save us from Pralaya, save us from your own wrath!”

Art : Varun Rampal

~  From the book SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller. by Shail Gulhati

Available on Amazon as an E book
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