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Thursday, February 20, 2020


A mixing of the time worlds, in the stillness of now.
This would enable them not only to rejoice in the essential Oneness, but also enable the group to bring forth and introduce characters into the play that were hitherto unknown to the other.
Everything would just become a divine moment, a climax of the life lived. Samadhi.
The magical moment of transcendence was loved by the wise seers. They understood a divine sound, a divine vibration for it, and whispered it almost inaudibly…“AUM”.

The art of the littlest point.
A whole infinity reduced to a dot. And the dot crowned the Aum, represented by crowning the syllable

Aum, was always in the now. Samadhi was a moment of the future mingled with the past. The seers understood that Samadhi was the grace of Shiva, it was the ultimate revelation about the Self.
He knew a perfect stillness.
When He sat alone, He was in deepest oneness, always. When He closed His eyes in self-repose, a most enigmatic dance presented itself to Him; a dance of Time; where the p
ast and the future got animated as players and themselves entertained Him , like performers in a carnival. It had dawned on Him that He was an eternal witness, and thus too, the realisation that the story of all life, was His story.

~ SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller. by Shail Gulhati

Availabe on Amazon :

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Shail Gulhati is the Author of the books :
SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.

The Yogi and the snake
Shiva Poetry
NAAM ROOP- A Tribute to the Divine
And Life Said.

Available on Amazon E books :  (INDIA) ( USA)

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