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Sunday, February 23, 2020


He had been the greatest Lover in the world.
Love was the essence of what they were; love was existence.
Love, it was, that was in the beginning, love, that sustained the present, and love it would be, in the end.

Shiva hummed something to Himself, as they met in the forest the very next morning.
“What? Are you singing to yourself?” teased Sati.
“No, I am not!”
“You are, too!” laughed Sati.“Else, tell me.”
“Everything was decidedly different this morn,” said Shiva.
“The sun shone bright, much brighter than yesterday.
The stars, see my love… were still up, they refused to go away!
sparrows whispered to each other excitedly,
the bees were already stumbling in drunken ecstasy,
and, did anyone note the trees as they swayed?
Some strange delight in the air.
All this, for you, my Love…”

“Ah! A poet!”said Sati.

“My gifts are not silver or gold for thee,
 my words are my gifts, my poems, me,” continued Shiva with a soft smile.
“That, is lovely,” said Sati as She slid into the familiar embrace.
“Sometimes I feel we have always been like this,” She said.“It feels so right!”
Shiva looked down at Her head and softly kissed it from atop. “Yes, this is how it has always been,” He said.

One day, She implored, “ Say something really nice.”
It was then that Shiva said the most enigmatic thing. “Love, there is no such thing as the end of life, but, without you, there is no life.”
That is lovely,” said Sati and hugged Him. And then, a few moments later asked,“What exactly does it mean, though?”
“It means…” said Shiva turning completely towards Her, and locking His eyes in Hers. “That there is a part of us which is eternal, but that part is of no use, if there is not another to share the eternity with.”
Sati hugged Him, in a ‘never to let go’ embrace.

~ SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller. by Shail Gulhati
Available on Amazon as an E book,
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