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Thursday, February 6, 2020


He is the One who existed even before the world began.
He is the One who has been prayed to, even when He was unseen.
And ever since the very first time He chose to make His presence known, Shiva has been loved by millions.
Records about Him from ancient folklore are very interesting;
He is the perfection of opposites:
Supreme spiritual Guru, but warrior Chieftain,
Ascetic, but perfect husband,
Mendicant, but householder,
Meditative, but intoxicated,
Master of yogic stillness, but King of dance;
Shiva is the fountainhead where paradox reconciles.
In the Hindu pantheon of Gods, He is called the destroyer,
And yet, known by the beautiful symbol of creation, the Shivlinga.
Shiva is a storyteller’s delight.

Lately, a lot of interest has been evinced in Shiva. We have had dozens of books, TV serials, movie clips, comics ,and lots of pages and groups surfacing on social media, all dedicated to the enigma that is Mahadeva – The God amongst Gods. When I first set out to write on Shiva, I wanted to come out with something that I myself would have enjoyed reading about Him! Everyone loves a good story, and reading so much from others about Shiva, I wanted to present His story the way that I ‘saw’ Him.
While the idea is not just to replicate the Shiva Purana in modern parlance, a writer’s weave must keep the reader stimulated for the possibility of change; however, there are some fixations from which I do not wish to depart. As Shiva Himself says to Nandi in the book, “By Kailash, some things I shall never change”.

~ Author Shail Gulhati's preface to SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.Part 2 ( Humesha)
Available on Amazon E books : ( India)
and ( USA)

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