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Saturday, February 22, 2020


One day Shiva said to Parvati, "Where are all those who cared so much for the planet, for life, for love, for goodness, and, for God? We need to re-group all the saints who walked this earth for the betterment of all beings. We need to galvanize a council of mystics, from all ages and all lands, who in turn , will galvanize love, kindness and spirituality only; turning God’s flight back onto the course of Universal harmony.”
“Oh ! How beautiful your mind is, Shiva,and how beautiful are your are you really looking for good souls?”
"And how will you find them? in which place, or which profession?"
"Not place or profession, Parvati, i will find them by their actions"
"What do you mean Swami?"
"A persons's social status is of no meaning to me.Because everyone has divinity in them, everyone is made of my own Shiva Tattva."

" Yes. Devi, you must know that know that everyone has it, not just saints not just you, everyone is Shiva’s child, and Shiva is no one’s monopoly. How one dresses, be it ochre or be it white, makes no difference to me. All the colours are mine. In fact, young people wearing jeans seem to have sub-consciously hit upon my  favourite  colour,  Blue! Look how much of it  i used in the sky! How much spice a man  eats in his food is not of much consequence either.  I think it should be a topographical rather than spiritual preference. If he speaks softly, yet is given to hatred, or is loud, but warm hearted, i have enough discernment to see through both. Indeed, I have seen profane men speak profundities for their own interests and heard profound men being coarse, to deliver a refined message.”
What then are the real indicators of an evolved being, a God’s man?”  asked Parvati.
“Love and Kindness” , answered Mahadeva, “Some things never change, some things we can never have enough of ; love and kindness, the two real indicators of God’s man, and luckily these are far more difficult to feign than a dress or a dietary code. These spring only from true knowledge and understanding"
~ SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller. by Shail Gulhati
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