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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Everything comes from Shiva and returns to Him.

In the end, you realise that life is a journey to your own Higher self.
Everything comes from Shiva and goes back to Him. This is the Lila of the world play

 Some Call the absolute Nirakaar, others cal it  God,  and yet others love Him as Shiva.
Shiva is a paradox. He is the Fountainhead where opposites reconcile. Thus he is an Yogi (ascetic ) and Grihasth (home dweller) , Dhayni (Meditator ) and Nrityak (dancer) , Swami (chieftain ) and Jiva ( humble being) .

Shiva creates - Sristi
Shiva maintains - Sthiti
Shiva Dissolves - Samhara
Shiva hides- Vilaya
and Shiva Himself reveals- Anugraha.
Thus too, His journey is a paradox. That we have just called the end, as a realisation of Shiva, is actually the beginning. Aum Namah Shivaye!

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