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Wednesday, February 26, 2020



There is the Pauranic Shiva: The Timeless One vouchsafed to us by the ancient tellings of the Rishis, down to our grandmother’s tales. The Shiva from Kailash.
Shiva, the mountain Chieftain who lives happily with His beautiful Queen, Parvati, and the merry mountain men called ganas.

But there is also the Adhunik Shiva; the Omnipresent, who is always here, lurking in our own hearts, in the present, and therefore the most modern at any time.
For Shiva is Mahakaal, the Ultimate Time Traveller...The Shiva who sometimes comes into the fantasies of writers to make up new stories.
And these two are both ONE. It is One Shiva who gives His magnificent Darshan to some very fortunate people in every Yuga.

Those to whom the Darshana is given are called rishis. These rishis are forever transformed by 'Seeing ' Lord Shiva and they have a totally different attitude toward life, they pray differently, they teach differently and they live differently. The difference is that for Them God is a reality and not just a story.

Aum Namah Shivaye.

~ From the book series SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.,
A modern rendition of Great God Shiva's story by Shail Gulhati ,
Available on amazon ( India)
and ( USA )

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