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Monday, February 24, 2020


Once, the great student Shaunaka asked his Master Rishi Suta , " dis it possible to meet Shiva?”

“Of course it is! But you never know when. Shiva chooses His own time to surprise. But if you want to meet Him, you must always be ready, anyone who wants to see Him must always be alert.”

“Why is that, Gurudeva?”

“Hahaha! Because Shiva, amongst other things, likes disguises. And His best guise is humility. With all that He is, His utter humility can make you not recognise Him, even if He came face to face.”

“So is it true that He wears a snake around His neck? He is called Bhujgendrahaaram, isn’t He?”
“Yes,” said the old Sage. “He is known to wear a snake around His neck, but like I told you, He is the master of guises. And to discard one of your own attributes, is an excellent way to go unnoticed.So He may not come to you in His typical form"
"So Gurudeva how do we see Shiva? How is the real Shiva bhakt blessed?"
" You must know Sarvatra Bhairav. Everywhere, is Shiva, because everything comes from Him, and to Him it will go. There comes a time in the life of a seeker when there is a Divine arising from within. This spiritual arising from Shiva within, is called Udhyamo Bhairav . When this happens due to years of prayer and meditation, learning and introspection, and , of course, the Anugraha- Grace of Shiva, the yogi becomes enlightened."
"Ah, i see Gurudeva"
" But the spiritual journey is not complete with just enlightenment or self realisation, it must culminate in the seeing of Lord Shiva everywhere, Sarvatra Bhairav. This is when the seeker has merged so completely into the sought, that he cannot anymore distinguish anything from His Beloved Shiva, wherever he looks he can "see" Shiva"

~ SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller. by Shail Gulhati
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