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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

There is always hope for the world !

One day Parvati asked Her Lord, Shiva about kalyuga, “Is there any hope for the world?
“Yes, there is always hope, Parvati, because when a new child is born, the cord to God is still unremoved. That’s why saints say, ‘whisper divine things to your new-born, affirm it of its divinity, secure it in its consciousness,” Shiva smiled.
“The use of past life regression is only this: it makes you understand your position in the now.
It must lead to a great and abundant future life progression; no more importance should be given. Even if anyone was a Buddha earlier, so what? We must learn to
smile at that, and move on. Buddhas are not of the past glory, they are the now and the hereafter too. “
“Hmm… I see, Swami. But what if your past has been sad?”
“If your past has been sad, there again, it is gone now. Move on with the divine stride.
Know this… in the beginning you were the timeless flawless one; and you are always that.”
“Hmm… how do we come to that pristine awareness? Lord, what is the answer to all this?”
“We must all evolve individually.”
“Yes, you have already known how ‘society’ was created.
God made people, but people made society.”

Once, Daksha’s tribe had been created, they quickly established themselves in a stoic society. Society was the first entity that came into being, even though Brahma did not create it.
It was a rather funny thing; a getting together of things created, to create in turn an entity that had no individuality of its own, yet had a formidable effect on the very individuals it comprised of. Whatever it may have set out to be, whatever its goals, if society had to be described in one word, it was ‘opinionated’ . It killed individual growth, and no one could raise the voice of reason above whatever it would declare as a verdict in any given situation.”
“Yes,” said Parvati quietly.
“But it does not stop here; if we do not evolve individually, spiritually we may come to a time in the future, where we will live in an age of fierce competition; an age dominated by sales pitch, incremental volumes, market exploitation, competitor strategy and so on. It will always be about higher targets. And society would have gotten so used to this that they will not find anything wrong, or entangling in this. It will become a way of life. People will be fixed firmly in the box of corporate culture; so fixed in trying to make a living, that they verily, would have completely forgotten to live!”
“Nature has created 'things' for us to enjoy, like fruit for our body and wonderful landscapes for our soul. But mankind will give us - something with which to put a value to all of the 'things' available.“
“Oh, Swami! what is the remedy?" Parvati cried.
" Every individual that comprises society, must be introduced to their own divinity. When the individual realises God, He or She will automatically change their motives in life" said Shiva.

“Yes, my Lord, it would be so wonderful if social enterprise actually became infused with spiritual knowledge, honouring the inter-connectedness of all things rather than divisive thought and competition as the main motivation. It would be so wonderful if others could think like this beautiful mind of yours…”

Shail Gulhati is the Author of the books :
SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.

The Yogi and the snake
Shiva Poetry
NAAM ROOP- A Tribute to the Divine
And Life Said.

Available on Amazon E books :  ( India) ( USA)

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