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Monday, March 9, 2020

Are you an old Shiva bhakt? क्या आप पुनर जनम से शिव के भक्त हैं ?

Hindu Religion is very rich in it’s choice of Devi Devatas. We honour innumerable forms of God, we can love Him in many many ways , He can appear as a friend, Father, brother, son , even mother, daughter or sister .

The Hindu sastras also tell us it is our own free will to choose any form that we wish to worship God, any form that we want to see Him in. They also tell us that while choosing our Ishta  ( God ) we must choose the one that we can ourselves relate to most. If we feel we can understand the story or the vision of a particular God, because this story seems quite like the life that I am myself going through, then we should choose that God. Because the resonance will become easier since we are already ‘in tune’.
It is like a tower for our cell phone, when the tower is near, the signal becomes strong and the quality of the call improves.Therefore those bhaktas who have a tendency to do dhyana rather than bhajan only, tend to choose Lord Shiva as their Ishta.
If you are also in love with the idea of a yogi who meditated quietly in the high mountains and deep forests, then yes, you will probably choose Shiva. The reverse is also true: if you have chosen Shiva you have probably been a meditator /Yogi in your past life, you are probably an “ old soul "
Aum Namah Shivaye.

To read more, go to the Shaivism Today Blog at

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Shail Gulhati's  book SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.
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