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Sunday, March 1, 2020


Bhola or Bhooth, He was their Nath forever.
They had witnessed how, God was all, and at the end of each spectrum, from the most benign to the most terrible, it was their Nath who was the Supreme, and they knew their place was always by His side.

Shiva started a war dance, tugging violently at His own hair and whirling in the air, with His torso doing the most unusual twists, like a man in severe pain. His right hand pulled out His Trishula from the ground where it had been restfully parked for months, as if to jerk it out of its dormancy. “BABHAM!!” He yelled a war cry and lunged forwards.
“Babham Bhayankar, Jai Shiv Shanker!” cried the ganas, their collective voices sending shudders down the entire jungle and valley.
Creatures started running helter skelter in utter confusion. That Shiva would never harm them was clear, but just the level of His anger was sending waves across that were a hitherto unknown vibration.
It was scary, it was deadly, and it was grim.
Shiva started charging down the valley towards Kankhal.
The ganas charged as hordes; very menacing, deathly hordes, as if a thousand Gods of Death had collected to unleash the great havoc upon all beings in the kingdom of Kankhal.
Then, Shiva commanded,“Get to Daksha! Kill all who come in your way of killing the vile Daksha. I want his head on my Trishula today. Even if a rishi or even if Vishnu or Brahma comes to His rescue, spare them not. Daksha’s end is here. It is going to be done. NOW!!”
“Jai Shiv Shanker Babham Bhayanker!” cried the ganas, and then added, “Jai Ho Veerbhadra!!”Narada noted that Shiva, in His darkest mood, had turned into a terrifying and almost sinister appearance, and yet he was the paradoxical hero. He moved like a one-man army getting ready to wreak havoc on all those who came in its way, and Narada was reminded of a cloud of locusts on rampage.

 SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.
A modern rendition of Great God Shiva's story by shail gulhati 

Available as an E book on Amazon.

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