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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Shiva teaches his children that life is not about Goals, but intention .


Shivji teaches Kartikeya how to wield his spear.
But this is not about weaponry,
this, is about focus , this is about दृढ़ निस्चय , this, is about centering, Shiva teaches Kartikeya aim, but this is not about a target, it is about concentration, Dhyana, it is about reaching for the sky, for the stars!

Shiva is the Adi Guru and Kartikeya is Divinely lucky to learn directly. This,is about God wanting all His children to aim for the sky of their own Divine Self, about all creation knowing that it comes from God, and is forever the object of God's love.

The essence of Shiva's teaching is that life is not just about Aim , but focus.It is not just about Goals, but intention. What does this mean? It means that more important than our desires are the motives behind them. Do we wish for things only for ourselves? or do we have a compassion for the others who co inhabit this world with us? Is our motivating force in life only to become all powerful? or do we want to be able to be capable of doing something so that others may also be happy?

Aum Namah Shivaye.
Shail Gulhati 
Author of SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.
Available on amazon ( India)
and ( USA )

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