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Monday, March 16, 2020



Dear friends
everyone is only talking one thing, whether seriously, fearfully, reflectively, or even jokingly, the topic is always Corona virus.
When a disease becomes so widespread that it covers the full planet, we call it pandemic- something larger than even an epidemic.There is nothing good about a pandemic, except one thing:
It has the ability to unite mankind.
It has the ability to stimulate our collective consciousness.

Think about it, a humanity which is usually so self serving it seldom bothers about ' the other person', so enchanted with the goodies of the outer world it never has the time to listen to the advice of the sages who say "Go within ". Not that we didn't figure meditation would actually be a good thing, it's just that we dont have the time, But, hey, we did make a note of it. We will do it someday. Clearly, very few of us are like The Buddha, who saw sorrow just once and began his spiritual journey that very day; The vast majority of us prefer to remain in our state of sweet sleep , happy with our dreamlike acquisitions in the material world - Such a humanity can be jolted out of its fake dreams when a worldwide calamity strikes.

Till yesterday we were quite in command of our daily lives and how life works, and lo! The reality has changed overnight! What is happening, we start asking each other with uneasiness, as we scurry to wash our hands with guaranteed sanitizers and strange looking face masks...

But no one has the answers, just speculations, some fearsome, some hopeful and yet others simply hilarious. If now we turn to the sages and ask yet again of their wisdom, this is what they will say : "In a pandemic, self-isolation is called quarantine. In Buddhism, it is called retreat. From the cave of our home, like the meditators of ancient times, we can consciously kindle the lamp of compassion and connection." ~ Lama Willa Miller.

This reminds me of a similar passage i wrote in my book The Yogi and the snake 30 years back. In a chapter called 'Money" Shiva answers his follower as to how money distracts us from the real goal of life:
" A moneyed man, a man of means, gets so involved with those means, he forgets the end. He gets so externalized with his fascination of these means, he seldom finds the time ,or has the need to go within; to internalize, to introspect, to meditate; therefore the chances of his making contact with the source, become minimal. He remains joyous with these toys, to which he has easy access. We say he is distracted. Not attracted to the source of joy, within. We say he is deluded. Such a man, is rarely compassionate, indifferent to the welfare of fellow beings, and prone to oppressiveness and unrightful authority. Where there is unrightful authority, there is hell.
But, if such a man, who inspite of his money, doesn’t lose track of the end, doesn’t lose kindness, love and other things that money can’t buy, can he not be spiritual? If a moneyed man uses his money to help others, is he not both moneyed and kind? Will Heaven not welcome him then?”

Today, because of the Corona fear, we are compelled to be in isolation, we don't seem to have a choice. Hmm. Can we consider this as a push from Mother Nature to awaken her sleeping children to Re-learn the art of Conscious introspection, meditation, Dhyana, and then to know our connect with the Source consciousness, and also with each other. Think About it.

भक्तों याद रखो यदि हमारी भक्ति सच्ची और अच्छी है  तोह corona में भी भगवान् शिव  अपनी करुणा बरसाएंगे !

Aum Namah Shivaye.

~ Shail Gulhati is the Author of the book SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.
#coronaprecaution #शैवीसमटुडेब्लागस्पाट #Shaivismtodayblogspot BY #Shailgulhati Author of the book #shivatheultimatetimetraveller

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