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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Prepare, don't panic!

Dear friends
everyone is only talking one thing, whether seriously, fearfully, reflectively, or even jokingly, the topic is always Corona virus.
When a disease becomes so widespread that it covers the full planet, we call it pandemic- something larger than even an epidemic.There is nothing good about a pandemic, except one thing:
It has the ability to unite mankind.
It has the ability to stimulate our collective consciousness.

Unfortunately we are a humanity which is usually so self serving it seldom bothers about ' the other person', so enchanted with the goodies of the outer world it never has the time to listen to the advice of the sages who say "Go within ", never had the time for worship, Dhyana , or seek a higher Consciuosness..

The vast majority of us prefer to remain in our state of sweet sleep , happy with our dreamlike acquisitions in the material world - Such a humanity can be jolted out of its fake dreams when a worldwide calamity strikes.
Till yesterday we were quite in command of our daily lives and how life works, and see,the reality has changed overnight! What is happening, we start asking each other with uneasiness, as we scurry to wash our hands with guaranteed sanitizers and strange looking face masks...

But still there is no need to panic. As the wise are telling us : Preparation, not panic.
The world has learnt a new word, "LOCKDOWN"
A virus is like an invading army that plunders everything in its way. And basically we need to stop this invading army from going further, we need to prevent it from spreading. And we can do this by socially distancing ourselves from each other. We must defer our large events, we need to avoid going to crowded places like Malls, theatres, etc. And the best way to do this is when there is an 'advisory ' from our Governments to actually stop crowding any place. This, is called LOCKDOWN. Most of the world is already in Lockdown mode.

Yesterday India too, was addressed by Its  Prime minister, who spoke worthily like a good leader and Father Figure, who addresses his 'Household" in times of a difficult situation which the family has to overcome together.
These two very words, 'household and together ' are the key to our winning the battle against the virus: we must remember that all of us are one big family and that we are together in our aims.
The Patriarch told us that we must calmly prepare ourselves to go for  the same distancing wisely.There is a very basic Corona advisory, follow that:

We must use our wisdom to follow the directions of our medical teams to avoid further spreading.
1) We don't have to shake hands, our age old Namaste is what the whole world is following.
2) We must keep our hands clean with washing ( either sanitizer or soap ). 

3) Avoid meeting or going in crowds .
4) Note your coughing or sneezing and report it immediately to your family doctor for further instruction.
5 ) Take special care of the elderly and the very young.
6 ) Avoid travelling by mass transport like buses, trains or planes.
7 ) Do not even visit your hospital for routine check ups- talk to your family doctor instead. This way you will give more space to the medical fraternity to concentrate better on the pandemic .
8 ) For the next few days, you don't even have to go to your Temple or Holy place, just remmebr God in your heart and do your puja at home.

And so on. You have all read it several times now.So it is time to lockdown your fear and prepare yourself with wisdom and calmness.

And we must do these things with a lot of faith and understanding. There is no need to panic, or hoard things, no need to have a mistrust of the future.
You must do what your caretakers ask you to do, and then have the great faith that Shiva is with you too!

भक्तों याद रखो यदि हमारी भक्ति सच्ची और अच्छी है  तोह corona में भी भगवान् शिव  अपनी करुणा बरसाएंगे !

Aum Namah Shivaye.

~ Shail Gulhati is the Author of the book SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.
#coronaprecaution #शैवीसमटुडेब्लागस्पाट #Shaivismtodayblogspot BY #Shailgulhati Author of the book #shivatheultimatetimetraveller

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