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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Shaivism Today Soul Speak ( 13 ) ESCAPE FROM KALYUGA


You want to love everything, but when you see periods of great sorrow and destruction, and realise your inability to do anything about it, you want to escape from it all; to, a void, to nothing. An escape from the unpredictability of life; that gives way to the counter thought, why is it that we want ultimate release from all life?

So let's examine sorrow and evil. To me, the excess of these do not indicate the end of the world, in the sense we should passively wait for self destruction. To me, they serve as indicators of spiritual inertia. Every being is Divine, but only a handful realise this. I am banking on the trust that even these handful of realised beings can actualize the welfare of others, by sheer vibration; the wind don’t forget, carries their message. In other words, let the doctors, engineers, scientists, mechanics, do their job. The spiritualist has a job too, to create love and kindness in the air, in fact, to give a fresh air of positivity and creativity itself. The mystics know that such a time comes periodically, when there is danger of annihilation; they call it Kali Yug. This can be overcome only by men of Shiva consciousness. They must face the challenge, such a time signals their call for performance. And, they come to use their most massive energies, using also the energies of mystics before them. They too, must prove the growth in their field.

The Great Sikh Guru Gobind ji declared that one holy warrior could fight over a hundred thousand foes. So too, is it not possible that one good man of God can pray for Universal well being and neutralize the effect of a hundred thousand ignorant beings?

But there is one thing we must all remember. Just like , light needs light, air needs air, breath needs breath, the suppliers need supply. This is true for a cook, he must eat, an architect, he must have a roof over his head, for a seamstress, she needs to wear clothes. Even true for a machine, for does not the motorized oil tanker need its own fuel to be able to deliver the larger supply? Be therefore considerate of mystics. They try to penetrate deep frontiers for all of us. But until they do find alternatives, they are subject to the same limitations as others, in fact, more, for their understandings of the possibilities of tomorrow adds to their responsibility.
So why ask them to renounce clothes? Why expect them to renounce food? Why make them run away from their homes? Learn from them to renounce hatred. They have no alternatives for simple necessities of life, but they have alternatives to a way of living.
Therefore hold their hands and make a way for them to make a way for you in turn.
Aum Namah Shivaye
~ Derived from  The Yogi and the snake 1995

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