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Sunday, December 22, 2019


A beautiful vintage painting showing Shiva talking to Parvati, with the rishis and their wives seated as audience.Shiva is obviously saying something of great spiritual import to Devi; And it is not as if the Rishis do not know of spiritual secrets themselves; Then why are they 'listening in' ? Because the magic of mantra rahasya ( Chanting secret ) is such that though we all may know the
mantra, and even its deepest meaning, it becomes fully charged when an already realised being utters it to us. That is why Gurus utter the mantra into the disciple's ear as Diksha ( initiation) .

The Rishis who have loved Shiva from a timeless era, and know most of His teachings by heart, always want to hear it from Him, once again.
Of course Parvati is one who has heard endless spiritual nuances from Shiva, still she encourages him to tell her the wisdoms again and again so that all the Rishis and Shiva seeking souls may benefit.
Mantras, are meant to be repeated! And if we can have the originator repeat them for us, you can well imagine the benefit.

Even if Shiva is speaking some terms of endearment to her, the Rishis have been allowed to hear; For 'Love is God" we all know that this is an adage which finds its fulfillment in Shiva Parvati. To be able to hear even a single word of Shiva's adoration to Parvati is equivalent to hearing the greatest mantras from the Adi Guru Himself!
Aum Namah Shivaye.

Shail Gulhati is the Author of the books :
SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.

The Yogi and the snake
Shiva Poetry
NAAM ROOP- A Tribute to the Divine
And Life Said.

Available on Amazon E books :  ( India) ( USA)

Pic courtesy :  Mohit Oswal