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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Shiva nayan- The eyes that tell a story.

A beautiful picture of Shiva made just today by Qk arlene. Shiva seems to be alone , by Himself.
But He is actually not alone, His eyes are meditative, in a deep Self repose , a reflection that reminds him of all things of the past, a mystical spirit that shows him all things that are yet to come.
His hair is the most telling : It is flowing in all directions.

Now, an interesting thing about Shivji , it is said all creation comes from him,and each tribe of the world is represented by a strand in his jata. Therefore jata dhari would also mean 'He who supports all beings of the world'  Thus too, this picture with thick dreadlocked hair seems to suggest how strongly the father loves all his creation, how thickly he is Himself weaved into the play of His creation: how, he has the most stories to tell! He, who has seen the very first stories from when the world itself was a baby!
But then we look into those eyes again, and we can perceive a certain sadness.
Is He remembering His Shakti? perhaps yes, this may be a time between Sati And Parvati . When, in the face of the greatest personal storm, he waited for a sad past to evolve into a great future, knowing this too, shall pass.

Of course, we all know why Shiva is famous in the Samundra manthana...For, even while being Mahadeva- The God of all gods, Shiva has always taken his fill of the venom of this world. Infact, sometimes swallowing all the visha -poison of negativity created by others actions( karma) , as his Vishvkarma ...waiting always, for his creation to understand his vision for them.

They say Shiva can create a whole new world from the ashes of the old; that at the end of every life cycle, only Shiva remains, and then he projects forth a new creation, this is called "Shivlok Unmilana".

And in those deep eyes is the memory of all the past, for giving life to the future, Ultimately, at the end of the cosmic day, it is all as Shiva wills.
The wise have known this and lived their lives accordingly, not wanting to be set aside after one creation, but to be cast again in every new play of Shiva.
Aum Namah Shivaye.

~ From the notes of Shail Gulhati, Author of SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.

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Shiva art QK Arlene

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