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Monday, December 9, 2019


The lessons with Shiva were endless. They had to be. His talk was profound, but so was His silence.
“You seem to be talking to me even when you are silent. Is it true or am I just too much in love with you?”She asked.
“Silence is a language only a few understand,” said Shiva. “Those special moments when silence speaks, when stillness gives wings,” He whispered.
Even His smile was profound. Everything about Him was the embodiment of wisdom. Sati noticed that there were traces of this wisdom even when He joked.

Sati asked " Lord, what really is yoga? and what are the asanas?
“Yoga asana is only a seat for the great flight to the self. meditation can be as synergized, as natural as my rides on Nandi. Or as tumultuous, with the energy of an untamed beast of the natural order. All of Nature’s things are like that. You need to be completely ‘ at oneness ‘ with them before you even start to mount the ride. Else you will just be overturned, which too is an important part in the process of learning, Sati,” replied Shiva.
It’s simple,” He continued “ Yoga is not about your body. Yoga is about discovering your soul.”

“What about reading?” She asked.“What about reading the great Shrutis and Smritis, the great secrets and rahasyas by our rishis and gurus and those who have known Godhood?”
“Reading about universality, the interconnectedness of things,
is a good beginning, but when you suddenly feel this is a text about you yourself; that is when the beauty of the spiritual journey will fill you with its magnificent flavor,” said Shiva, “Ultimately, it is meditation that awakens you to yourself.”

~ From the book ~ SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.
by Shail Gulhati  Available on Amazon as an E book

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