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Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Once, Brahmaji went all the way to the Himalayas to meet their King Himavat.
"To what do i owe this great honour of your visit to my house?" asked the humble King.
“ King Himavat, you do know that after Sati's death, Shiva has left Kailash and already shifted to an unknown part in your mountains. He is already your guest. You are the greatest host, known for your immaculate hospitality,You cherish the ideal of Atithi devo bhava; in this case, the guest is literally God Himself! You have already provided venue to Shiva, and now…” said Brahma, closing in unto Himavat. “Your providing a venue to the great Goddess, shall actually provide the immaculate inception of Herself!”

“My Lord! I do not know what to say. Your harbingering today is too much for a simple mortal like me to digest.”

“Ah, yes. But you shall be assisted in this by your own spouse, Mena.”Smiled Brahma


“Yes, you may not know, but Mena is the greatest yogini of Durga even from her past life. It is she who will have to invoke Durga to be born as her own daughter, just as I, standing on one leg in deep tapasya for a thousand years, invoked Shiva.”

“A thousand years…?”

“Perhaps even more, Himavat! But you know what… when God Himself becomes your child, when God Herself sits and plays on your lap, each moment is the bliss of a lifetime…”

“Mena is the yogini of Durga from a past life? Hers will be the lap for the Goddess to play?”

“Yes!” Brahma beamed. “Such is the magic of the child in a god; the lap of a parent is a delight!
 A communion of high merit for both!”

Even while Brahma was foretelling the future to Himavat, Queen Mena heard a voice in her Dhyana,   “Arise, O Yogini! You have prayed to me in the deepest solitude for more than five hundred years. You have not been bothered about hunger, nor have you let the changing seasons, the blistering sun, the thundering rains, or the biting cold affect you in any way. Not once have your lips stopped chanting, ‘Aum Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Vichaye Namah.’ So ask, O Devi, what do you want?”

“Aum Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Vichaye Namah,” repeated Mena.

“I know,” said Durga, pleased. “I heard you. Now ask for your boon, Yogini!”

“Aum Chamundaye Vichaye Namah. I want the great Durga to take birth on this earth, to save Mother Nature from the plundering it is being subjected to by vain and mindless men with large egos; I want you, the great Mother, to be born as my daughter.”

“Tat Astu! So be it!” smiled Durga widely. “I am the universal Devi, but you, Mena, are the Devi of my own heart. You, shall be my Ma, always.”

And so it was, that the great boon was secured from Durga: The boon of Her manifesting on earth, which would then secure all of life from vandals.”

~ From SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller. part 2.
By Shail Gulhati
Available on amazon ( India)
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